Vorner's random stuff

The long journey to signal hook 0.2

More than two years ago, I’ve started to work on the signal-hook library. The motivation was, and still mostly is, signal handling is hard to get right. I’ve had the privilege to learn enough about it to be able to do it right, but I still don’t want to do that on a regular basis every time I start a new project (it is a lot of effort and lot of places to get caught in a trap). So the library is an attempt to save both my own effort and to make it possible for others less interested in these arcane ancient APIs to get signal handling that actually works.

This spring I’ve thought it was about time the library goes 1.0. So I’ve started, in the limited amount of free time I have, to work on some cleanups and preparations. But during these a lot of questions and issues popped up, leading to some changes in the API. As there was quite a few of them, I’ve not released 1.0, but 0.2 and I want to see if it works well for people before I commit to stabilizing it for some long time.

That being said, while the changes are strictly speaking breaking, the chances are that if you used the library previously, you would need to only bump the version number of the dependency and it would work or only small cosmetic changes would be needed (like, adding a type parameter here or there, importing another crate instead but keeping the code, …).

Testing wanted

If you use the library or have a good way to test it, I’d ask you to test it. I’m the author and maintainer, which means I’m chronically blind to faults in it 😇. If you find rough places in the documentation, the API, it doesn’t work for you, etc, please open an issue in the repository.

Pull requests are welcome too, but I’d suggest you announce your intentions for the changes before you start working on them. I’ve noticed that either the signal handling is more complex than most people suspect at first or that I have very high standards about the code going in. Either way, many pull requests submitted without prior design end up in a discussion after the fact and many substantial changes being done.

That being said, if you have a use case not covered by the library and it is the scope of what it wants to be, I’ll be more than happy to help you find the best way how it would fit in and how to implement it without running into too many potholes in the POSIX roads.

Speaking about contributions. There’s somewhat minimal and unsatisfactory support for the Windows OS. I don’t have that OS, I know mostly nothing about it, so I can’t reasonably improve it, but it would be great if the library also provided some kind of abstraction/papering over the OS differences. If you are versed in these OS details and have some time to spare, I’d be very happy if you could cover that area.

What’s new

So there are some changes since the 0.1 version that might be interesting.

The first one is, the library needs rustc 1.31 if compiled without the iterator support and 1.36 with it. As the iterator module is probably the API most people would want to use, the feature is on by default. As the rust version goes, the „backend“ part of the library, signal-hook-registry, still compiles with 1.26.0 and has only libc as its dependency (the dependency on arc-swap got dropped).

Then there are some minor cleanups too. But there are also two new big features.

Extraction of the async support

When the signal-hook version 0.1 was released, there was only tokio 0.1. So the library provided some integration to that runtime and gave one an asynchronous stream over the incoming signals (even though tokio itself now provides its own one).

Today there’s a myriad of different runtimes with different versions, some of them are not yet stable so putting support for them into a crate that wants to stabilize and go 1.0 is problematic.

For these reasons, the current version doesn’t directly contain support for any of these runtimes. Instead it exposes enough of the internal details to make it possible to bolt the support for whatever runtime on top of it from another crate.

The same repository actually contains three such integration crates, and is generally open to have more.

They have their own versioning and their own life cycles, therefore don’t block the main crate from stabilizing while eg. tokio is still not stable. After some discussions and hard choices, it was decided that if the runtime is stable, the relevant crate would provide support for only that newest version. But for the cases where the runtime is still unstable, the same crate would support potentially multiple versions in parallel. Each supported version needs to be turned on by a feature. So if you want to integrate with tokio-0.3, you’d add this to your Cargo.toml:

signal-hook-tokio = { version = "0.1", features = "support-v0_3" }

Here the thanks belong to Thomas Himmelstoss, as the one who made the transition to these segmented crates happen and added support for the additional runtimes, in a series of really epic pull requests.

Future support for additional information

Currently, the library provides information on the level of „signal number 6 happened, at least once“. But the OS provides, through the sigaction and siginfo_t, a bit more information about the signal and the circumstances, like what other process sent the signal, at what address did an illegal instruction happen, etc. It is natural asking if the library could expose these in some way (this was brought to the attention by a pull request trying out some other way than the one described here).

While it is supported on the very low level, through register_sigaction, this doesn’t really fulfill the role of making the API comfortable and easy to use correctly.

So the 0.2 version is going to explore a way how to exfiltrate a bit more information from the signal handler to the user.

You’ll notice that the Signals iterator is now just a type alias. The SignalsInfo thing that backs it up has an additional type parameter, something called Exfiltrator. It is responsible for describing what information and how is smuggled out of the signal handler (given all the stupid constraints on what one can’t do inside, the fact that not all the information is available for all the signals and accessing the non-existing one is likely UB, …).

A similar pattern is present at all the async crates, so by implementing an Exfiltrator, one would get support for that kind of information not only for the blocking iterator interface, but for all the asynchronous ones too (including ones not maintained by me, potentially).

For now, this is not very useful. The crate contains only the single implementation, providing the signal number. Furthermore, the trait is sealed and all the methods hidden behind the seal, so it is not possible for users to implement their own. The plan is to implement few more, providing some common information, in releases soon to come. That will be used to validate the draft of the trait and refine it. After that happens and there’s enough confidence that it can actually fly, the trait will get unsealed for users to implement.

What I envision, users would then use it in way somewhat like this:

let signals = SignalsInfo::<WithSender>::new(&[SIGTERM, SIGHUP])?;
for SignalWithSender { signum, sender } in signals {
    println!("Received {} from PID {}", signum, sender);

If you have a good use case for information that needs extracting from the siginfo_t structure, you can bring it in, so the theory of how this’ll be a great interface can be tested.


My plan to go 1.0 this year clearly didn’t work and even the 0.2 took quite a bit of time. But I still feel the 0.2 brings some goodies and is on the right way towards eventual 1.0. However, if you want to bring the 1.0 closer, you can definitely help by testing, reporting bugs, fixing documentation and similar activities. There’s a chance the 1.0 would come early next year.