Vorner's random stuff

Testing with Spirit

There are many testing methodologies and even more testing frameworks. This is not about one of them. This is rather about somewhat pragmatic duct-tape-thermal-glue approach to testing services that use the spirit libraries.

Testing is integral part of software development. Not only because it’s a well known best practice and ensures better quality of the result. It is often faster to write few tests than repeatedly run the application manually.

With Rust, unit testing is particularly easy ‒ one doesn’t need to go hunting for a testing framework, integrate it in a build system, and all that. It’s a matter of putting a #[test] on a function.

But unit testing is not everything. It’s the perfect thing for algorithms, data structures and logic. But applications often contain other code than that ‒ dealing with OS, external services and external world.

These are harder to test. Not only is the situation more complex, every testing framework tutorial shows how to test something simple like a red-black tree. We want to talk over the network, delete files, check the application starts up with given config.

Mocking might help a bit here, but it’s hard in Rust and often doesn’t actually test the real situation. If I have a wrong assumption about behaviour of an external system, I’d write the mock with that assumption too and then, when the application is put into production and meets the real world, all kinds of hell breaks loose.

On the other hand, one can have the infrastructure set in a way to allow testing ‒ either some kind of A/B testing with automatic rollback, testing environment with mirror of the traffic, something like that. While this is really valuable and often needed part of the picture, it’s also too heavy-weight for fast iteration on a problem. Deployment to testing environment and watching metrics is something I want to do before hitting the big button to really go to production, not something to be done 20 times a day.

So we want something that tests the whole or almost whole application ‒ starts it up with given config, sends few requests, sees that these are successful (or unsuccessful in the expected way) and contain the right response. And we want this as part of the tests a developer can run on their machine without too much fuss.

In some previous projects, we made a harness that compiled the whole application, fed it a (customizable) test configuration, attached to the program’s log output (both for checking correctness and „synchronization“), run the tests, checked the responses, logs, etc. It was usually written in some „glue“ language (mostly Python). This worked reasonably well and writing tests for that was not that much effort. But it still had several big disadvantages ‒ persuading the build system to inject the right dependencies (compile before tests), parsing logs is cumbersome and fragile, it runs rather slowly. And it was always a big pain to set up at first.

It works for complex multi-year projects and it may even me the difference between success and the project falling apart. But it wouldn’t work in a team where there’s a new service to write and launch every 2 months.

Testing mode of Spirit

The spirit crate family is meant to help kick off services (often http based, but not necessarily) fast, but with full featured lifetime and configuration management. Few lines of additional code and one gets logging, metrics, layered configuration ‒ all fully configurable and reloadable at runtime. The Spirit works in somewhat singleton-ish way.

But it doesn’t have to. As I was trying to find a way how to create few tests for the whole or almost whole application fast and then move on my way to other things, I’ve discovered that Spirit was quite well situated to do it (yes, as the author of Spirit, I admit I haven’t designed this feature, I’ve discovered it after the fact). It can start and stop the application, it manages the configuration. I only needed adding few small APIs to allow running with provided configuration file (or configuration not in file), mock command line arguments and not to install signal handlers.

Using it is much less work than setting up the abovementioned Python monster system. Besides, it runs the „application“ inside the process like any other usual unit and integration test, which has two advantages. It completely sidesteps the problem with build system (having to build the application first before running tests). It also makes the tests run significantly faster, both because another process doesn’t have to be started, waited for the right log message to appear, and shut down, but also because the tests can easily run in parallel (while parallel running of the „Python monster“ solution is, in theory, also possible, we never found the time to actually implement it).

So let’s have a look at how Spirit can be used to not only control the application, but also test it.


Let’s say you have a Spirit-based service or at least an understanding how one is made. If you don’t know it well enough, there’s an tutorial in its documentation and it should provide the basics.

Preparing the service

First, let’s refactor the service in a way that all the setup that needs to happen both in tests and in the real application is extracted into a function. Similarly, we’ll extract the „body“ of the application. Something like this (with just a bit more code and functionality):

type SpiritBuilder = spirit::Builder<MyConfig, MyCmdOpts>;
type Spirit = spirit::Spirit<MyConfig, MyCmdOpts>;

fn setup(builder: SpiritBuilder) -> Result<SpiritBuilder, AnyError> {
        // Registering the hooks, pipelines, all that stuff.
        .with(Pipeline::new("some-subsystem"). ..)

fn run(spirit: &Arc<Spirit>) -> Result<(), AnyError> {
    while !spirit.is_terminated() {
        // Some dummy application code

Then, the real application looks something like this

    .expect("Installing signals isn't supposed to fail");
    // Yes, the setup function conveniently has such a signature that it
    // satisfies the `Extension` trait.

Starting a testing instance

When testing, we want to do the following:

It’ll look something like this.

// A yaml config "file"
const TEST_CFG: &str = r#"
option = "hello"

// Using the type def Spirit = .. from above
let app = Spirit::new()
    // Using the defaults as the easiest way to inject things when we don't them
    // in the real app.
    // Inject command line options (empty ones here).
    // Application specific setup
    // False -> we don't have the background management.
    .expect("Failed to create the test spirit app");

let spirit = Arc::clone(app.spirit());

// This is a RAII guard for the app running in the background thread.
let _running = app.run_test({
    let spirit = Arc::spirit(&spirit);
    move || {

// Here we do the actual testing

// And here the _running is dropped, which shuts down the managed application.

The run_test method isn’t really that special, it starts the „application“ in a separate thread and returns a RAII guard object that calls terminate on drop and waits for the thread to finish. It really just saves a bit of boiler plate.


If the test was written the way above, it would be flapping. The problem is, the run runs in a different thread and the test could start sending requests before the application it is ready. I usually use a channel to signal „I’m ready to be tested“ from within there. When that moment is depends on the application.

let app = Spirit::new()
    // Using the defaults as the easiest way to inject things when we don't them
    // in the real app.
    // Inject command line options.
    // Making sure we have a tokio runtime overriden with a single-threaded one.
    // Not important, but makes the test a bit more lightweight.
    // Application specific setup
    // False -> we don't have the background management.
    .expect("Failed to create the test spirit app");

let spirit = Arc::clone(app.spirit());

// Channel from the standard library, not from tokio
let (sender, receiver) = mpsc::channel::<()>();

// This is a RAII guard for the app running in the background thread.
let _running = app.run_test({
    let spirit = Arc::spirit(&spirit);
    move || {
        // This just sets up few tasks in tokio to listen for requests.
        let result = run(&spirit);
        // Ignore the other end being gone.
        let _ = sender.send(());

// Wait for the app to be ready.
receiver.recv().expect("App died during setup");

// Here we do the actual testing

Listening ports

By default, Rust runs tests in parallel. That means if each test starts an “application” which listens on some port, they’ll fight over the ports they listen on. Even if we make sure not to run them in parallel, some other application could use the port we picked for testing.

One approach would be to assign a different port to each test. That would make the tests not collide with each other, but there would still be a risk of something else in the system sitting on that port.

There’s another trick. If we bind to port 0, the OS assigns some arbitrary free port (0 is a special value). We could allocate the needed socket this way and pass it into the application, but that would probably need a lot of changes to the application.

Instead, we’ll do:

This is a hack and it is not guaranteed to always work ‒ because we give up the port for a while and in theory the OS could give it to someone else in between. But in practice this works quite well, because the arbitrary ports are assigned in some round-robin fashion.

// Ask the OS to pick a free port
let socket = TcpListener::bind("".parse().unwrap()).unwrap();
// Find out which port it picked
let port = socket.local_addr().unwrap().port();
// Close the socket
// So we can now re-use it in configuration
let config = format!(
    port = {}
    host = ""

Writing multiple tests

The above is not that bad, but it is still a bit verbose to repeat into multiple tests. What I use is a wrapper function around the test that manages the application, something like this:

fn with_server<F: FnOnce(u16)>(f: F) {
    let socket = TcpListener::bind("".parse().unwrap()).unwrap();
    let port = socket.local_addr().unwrap().port();
    let config = format!(
        port = {}
        host = ""
    let app = Spirit::new()
        .expect("Failed to create the test spirit app");

    let spirit = Arc::clone(app.spirit());

    let (sender, receiver) = mpsc::channel::<()>();

    let _running = app.run_test({
        let spirit = Arc::spirit(&spirit);
        move || {
            let result = run(&spirit);
            let _ = sender.send(());

    receiver.recv().expect("App died during setup");


Closing thoughts

The spirit crate helps not only with service startup boilerplate, but it also can help writing some integration or end-to-end application tests. Yes, it is a bit dirty approach, but it doesn’t add much more work. Dirty tests are better than no tests 😈.

Side note about spirit & contributors

There’s a note that spirit looks for contributors. I haven’t abandoned the crate, I still maintain it (and, when I really need some new feature, I find the time to add it). But it is not thriving either and I don’t have the time to do everything that could be done to improve it myself.

So, if you find it useful, but lack some feature or integration with some other crate (for example if you would like it to configure some other crate), extra hands would be useful.

Most of the spirit-* crates in the family were born by first using the * in some actual application and then extracting it out to a separate crate and polishing. Therefore, if you already use spirit and configure some kind of „subsystem“ others could be interested in, extracting it and sharing it would be nice 😇.